Alert: Children in Ukraine, Syria and around the world are right now caught in the middle of armed conflict, exposed to hunger and out of school.

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Reaching Out to Them That Are Without

Ukraine is the second-largest country in Europe, after Russia, and had an estimated population of 44 million. Sadly, children in Eastern Ukraine have grown up in conflict for the past eight years, enduring violence, shelling and being displaced from their homes. Today, fighting in Ukraine has forced children and families to seek refuge in neighboring countries, with more than 8 million people having now crossed the borders.

Ukraine’s children are caught in the crossfire of this adult war. It should never have come to this.

What is the current situation in Ukraine?

The situation is spiraling out of control. Heavy fighting, shelling and air strikes across Ukraine have had devastating consequences for children and families. A child from Ukraine has become a refugee almost every single second of the war.
Since the beginning of the international armed conflict in Ukraine starting February 24, 2022, there have been at least 7,000 civilian casualties. These numbers are beyond tragic, and likely an underestimate.

Air strikes and explosions have resulted damaged essential services like schools and hospitals.

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